The Studio

Our Values

Positive change

Enacting positive social and environmental progress through design and architecture.

Making more with less

Reducing waste, extending the lifespan of our designs and maximising use of renewable resources.

Delight in the Unexpected

The creation of surprising, intuitive and hard-working environments.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to put human beings at the heart of design. Using the art of care we create user-focused spaces that solve problems and positively influence human behaviour.

We believe in the power of design to dissolve boundaries, nurture ecology, champion diversity, and bring people together.

We create inclusive environments; welcoming, transformative spaces where anyone can feel comfortable, engaged, considered and safe.

We challenge, provoke, explore and question, testing our limits to find new solutions and achieve our clients’ desired ambitions.

Our Approach

  • Design from inside out – defining a building’s envelope by the activities it contains.
  • Create Relational Spaces – environments that interact with the user, prompting positive behaviour.
  • Apply sustainable, flexible, future-proof solutions – creating spaces that can adapt to changing needs without waste or destruction.
  • Provoke sensorial engagement – through light, sound, smell, movement, texture, colour, materiality and haptics.
  • Promote modern manufacturing technology – designing for use of standardised modular components to improve cost and maximise efficient delivery.
  • Use Collective Intelligence – gathering and harnessing the thoughts, ideas and experience of a group diverse minds.
  • Implement cross-sector learning  – taking research and experience garnered from a diverse range of projects to broaden and inform our response.